School Directory
The Kootenay-Columbia School District is located on the slopes of the picturesque Monashee and Selkirk Mountains, and in the valleys of the Lower Columbia River Basin. The district serves six municipalities and numerous small communities.

Over 4000 school age students attend 11 schools; including six elementary schools, one elementary/secondary school, two secondary schools, and one alternate school consisting of two campuses. The District also operates a Community Education Program. Over approx. 750 employees work for School District No. 20.
Located in southwestern B.C., close to the U.S. border and on the Columbia River, our students are being prepared for a prosperous and productive future.
Fruitvale Elementary
Glenmerry Elementary
James L Webster
Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre
Kinnaird Elementary
Robson Community School
Twin Rivers/Castlegar Primary
Rossland Summit School
J L Crowe Secondary
Stanley Humphries Secondary